Образцы перевода справок
1.Перевод справки с места учёбы
Ministry of education and science Municipal educational establishment Secondary school №1 named after M.J. Efremov
Russia, 249100 , Kaluga region Tarusa town Lenin street,74
February 16, 2009 №66
Headmaster: Kotova E.V.
Is given to Popova Yana to confirm that she studies at school №1 town Tarusa
To the British Embassy
2. Перевод справки с места работы:
OOO International Book Company Address: Moscow region, town Lytkarino, Kvartal 2, house 15 e-mail:mkk@lytkarino.net tel:84985534495 89164578945 № 10 31.03.2009
Certificate №1-1
Is given to Avdieva Galina Vladimirovna to confirm that she really works in OOO International Book Company as the Director . Her monthly income 100 000-00 rubles.
To the British Embassy
Is given to Popova Yana to confirm that she was born 13.05.1994 Place of birth: town Tarusa Kaluga region Russia His parents are: Father- Popov Gector Anastasovish (Greek) Mother- Popova Olga Nikolaevna (Russian) Certificate number II-HK № 416336
4. Перевод нотариального согласия родителей Certificate
Is given to confirm that the parents Popov Gector Anastasovish and Popova Olga Nikolaevna agree to let their daughter Popova Yana travel to Great Britain accompanied by Kozhenkova Irina Sergeevna Certificate number 40-01/313223
5. Перевод свидетельства о браке Certificate
Is given to Avdieva Galina Vladimirovna to confirm that she was married to Avdiev Sergey Sergeevich 25.09.1971
Certificate number V1- AK № 463390
6. Перевод банковский выписки
To the British Embassy
VSP № 9038/01220 Moskovskyi Bank OAO Sberbank of Russia
Moscow, Tayninskaya street, house 24
Deputy Administrator VSP № 9038/01220 Moskovskyi Bank OAO Sberbank of Russia E.A.Utolina
Certificate Sberbank of Russia confirms the availability on 18.02.2012 in the name of _______________, passport of RF citizenship _____________issued by ____________________ Russia Moscow in _______________, operating account of a banking card VISA GOLD in VSP № 9038/01220 Moskovskyi Bank OAO Sberbank of Russia office in currency – rubles, account № _______________ with the remainder of __________rubles ____ kopecks.